• Great care is taken to form the character of pupils, to inspire them with a love of religion and morality, to help them become against of needed social change in the country trend and to be gentlemen and women and acquire habits of the cleanliness and order, prepare them to be good and loyal citizen of India.

  • Monthly reports will keep parents informed of the behavior and diligence of their children. These reports have to be signed by the parents and returned to the class teacher for verification.

  • Reports on general progress are given at the end of each term.

  • Pupil whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with strict discipline is liable to be dismissed. In particular, stealing and cheating will be dealt very sternly. Whose presence in the opinion of the Principal is not beneficial or whose application is unsatisfactory or whose parents show little interest in their progress will be requested to be withdrawn.